Unite Interactive provides aerial (drone) video and photography services for Vancouver client

Unite Interactive continues to expand on its cutting edge services to our clients and now, with the assistance of internationally recognized Action Aerials, provides combined UAV/drone and camera systems that can be utilized for a variety of applications.

This includes the web, social media, TV, film, industrial use, corporate presentations, as well as numerous other scenarios that are only limited by one's imagination.

Services can be provided over a diverse variety of terrain including hardscape, water, sand, trees, and ravines.

Action Aerials specializes in film & television and has a large number of clients in the industry. Recent credits include popular hits like Flash, Arrow, Night of the Museum, Arctic Air, Continuum, Supernatural, MTX, Psych, Mom's Blind Date, Roadies, Electra Woman & Dyna Girl, Strange Empire, Marine 4, The Wounded, Bad, Bounty Hunter, Sea of Fire, Forever 17, Leprechaun, Damaged, If I Had Wings, Big Thunder, Agent X, Un-Real, Happy Face Killer, The Returned, Dead Rising, Intelligence, The Copy Kid, Maple Bay Lodge, Trip Wrecked, Chesapeake Shores and more.

Unite Interactive is excited about this new offering and look forward to the unique value proposition and digital marketing opportunities these services can provide our clients.


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Unite Interactive